quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2013

Hit By A Whale

No principio de Julho, domingo que aterrámos em Sydney, todos falavam do famoso rapaz que estava essa manhã em Bondi Beach a surfar, quando levou com a cauda de uma enorme baleia em cima. Felizmente tudo correu bem, e o Bishan está óptimo de saúde, e já a surfar outra vez. Por coincidência conhecemo-lo numa farewell party em Clovell beach há duas semanas atrás. Um médico de nacionalidade Sri-Lankan e New Zealander, muito bem disposto, sempre disposto a uns bons dedos de conversa. Como gostei muito do blog dele, deixo-vos aqui o relato em primeira mão, em verso, do acontecimento!

Today I was hit by a whale,
She clipped me with the tip of her tail,
With a force that could easily impale, an unwitting surfer,

So magnificent was her breech,
That many a surfer was out of speech,
Looking onwards in amazement and awe,

With a good 10 minute show,
We all watch this graceful creature flow,
Going down and up to the surface with style,

When it came back in a slower pace,
I got to see her “face to face”,
Whilst others had steadily moved out of the way,

All I could think was to say “hi!”,
For it seem too early to say “goodbye”,
But perhaps this was the mistake of the moment?

My memory soon blanked out,
Before I had time to even shout (help?!),
And the next thing I remember was look up towards a friend,

Swiftly brought to shore,
By “Bondi Rescue” and a few more.
I was met by my girlfriend in the ambulance van,

Sent directly to St Vinnies Resus Bay!
“Exclude submersion injury!” I thought I heard them say,
Soon followed by, “hmm, perhaps you’ll live to see another day”,

All know is that I’m lucky to be alive,
I feel grateful for the help form those five, (..and others!),
Now post-concussion in my bed under the covers,

But perhaps real moral is this,
If we see big whale so close we could blow it a kiss,
Stay back at least 30 meters and enjoy its bliss,

Or we may not be so lucky to see again the shore!